While I am not certain exactly what to do with a blog, I am going to try to creat one anyway. This is my fist attempt.
Ted tries to jump on the bandwagon, Just hope I don't miss and break my leg!
Published on June 9, 2004 By hornt In Welcome
Ok, So "BLOGGING" is the latest rage on the internet. So, here is my fist attempt at doing a BLOG. I have to wonder who would actually be interested in my blog (almost sounds like the cat coughing up a hair ball). Any way, as I am now an aspiring author, it may help my writing to do a little bit of this kind of writing (I have never been good at the "Brain Dump"). I have never been comfortable with writing/talking about myself; maybe this will help me get over that. Check back regularly and I will try to make or keep it interesting.
on Jul 25, 2004
Hello dear friend, good to have you here at Joeuser. A good place to start is my own official blog Link

on Jul 25, 2004
Welcome I see SPM is shilling his site already:)
on Jul 26, 2004
Hey, it really is true... Sir Peter's blog really is the most entertaining one on JU. So DO check it out when you get a chance. Also, I have been told that my own blog can be highly original: kind of like an odd combo of Emily Dickinson and Daffy Duck! . Keep on blogging big time!
